Meet Your New ALLY

Hi, I’m Aree Bly — your Alignment Coach!

I help successful professionals to take on the next adventure in their lives through my critical thinking process—so they can live into their truths today, explore their next destination, and get there with no regrets!

I won’t pretend to be able to tell you all about myself in a few paragraphs. Our lives are too complex and our paths too winding to do it justice!

A little about me:

• I live in Colorado with my husband and our three daughters.

• I have a strong belief in connection – between people and everything in our world.

• I am happiest when I am outdoors and/or traveling.

• I am an introvert who loves people.

• I am a math nerd who loves words.

• I make a mean tomato jam.

• I am not the same person I was yesterday, and know that I can be an even better me tomorrow.

And just like you—I love an adventure!

I seek them out because I know I will be changed by them.

And when I do this, I lead with an analytical process that I’ve learned from my past career and successes. This is what I did that helped me navigate a new path with courage, certainty, and confidence.

But to be honest with you…

My journey wasn’t always this smooth.

I used to be in your shoes…

I was in a successful career when I started to feel some of those pangs of friction.

It felt like I wasn’t fulfilling who I had become and what I had to contribute—and that was hard to admit to myself.

I spent days feeling stuck. It felt like something was still missing.

So I went on an adventure of self-discovery and trailblazing!
I wanted to fully understand who I had become and what that meant about where I needed to go next.

It wasn’t easy.

I had no mentor or coaches to help me!

But looking back, I believe it all had to happen.

In that journey, I uncovered a lot of amazing lessons that I wouldn’t have realized any other way.

• I have enjoyed a 25-year career as an actuary working in companies and with clients that span the globe.

• I have honed my technical skills in the ever-changing healthcare world, managed diverse teams, and overseen large projects.

• That analytical career has ingrained in me an ability to come at issues from multiple perspectives in order to see both the big picture and the hidden patterns in the details (and yes, I value my analytical mind in all aspects of my life!)

Through it all, I have found that the more my actions and interactions are aligned with the person I am at the core – my strengths, values, and talents – the happier and more successful I am.

It is this alignment that I am passionate about helping others to find, even as I continue to live into it in my own life

But don’t get me wrong…

I won’t dictate what you should do for your own life!

We don’t need someone to tell us what that truth is, but we might need assistance recognizing and animating it.

My goal is for you to find YOUR alignment.

Nothing inspires me more than watching you achieve even more, powered by your own truth.

This newfound passion is what brought me to early retirement from actuarial work.

I want to help you lead with an analytical mind to recognize and leverage your own alignment to create even more success—whether it’s a major shift or a slight course adjustment.

My fervent belief is that we all have our own truth in us and we can all create sustainable success…

It is through taking on that adventure of self-discovery and alignment that we can get on the correct path at work, at home, on teams, and wherever we find ourselves.

Want to start your new adventure, find your alignment, and create sustainable success?

Let’s make sure you’re taking a path that’s authentic to your core values and strengths.

I would love to hop on a call with you and help you kickstart your next adventure to success.